bandung highland view

bandung bandung bandung Tangkuban Perahu mountain view from maribaya lembang bandung
tangkuban perahu dilihat dari maribaya lembang
dari kota bandung juga dapat dilihat kalau cuaca cerah
misalnya dari gedung sate
Tangkuban Perahu mountain , for get to close the mountain is 30 minute from bandung city, the views is very beatiful and air is very cleary. Tangkuban Parahu is an active volcano at 6.77S, 107.60E which is 30 km north of the city of Bandung . It is a popular tourist attraction where tourists can hike or ride to the edge of the crater to view the hot water springs upclose, and buy eggs cooked on its hot surface. It is 2084 meters tall, or 6836 feet. This stratovolcano is on the island of Java and last erupted in 1983
before Tangkuban Perahu mountain you passing lembang, this place so many had hotels and villas with the good price, if you want a stay in lembang more this place like a puncak cianjur city but more attractive place to visited, and is not difficult to find a hotel, so many place can you visited at lembang, like maribaya, ciater( available hotels or villas and spa at ciater) , or boshca Obsrvatorium (if you want see the moon at the night, don't forget bring your coat).
Observatorium Bosscha lembang
bandung asia travel

bandung city